Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read and Loved in School

Happy Tuesday! Since school has officially begun for most students, this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about back to school. It is a freebie, however, which means I get to post about anything I want—back to school related of course—so I decided I wanted to talk about some school books I have read. However, these aren’t just stuffy textbooks, but rather are some books I read back in middle and high school that I really loved. I still remember reading all of these, and I definitely remember really enjoying them. Honestly, I would still read them now, even though I don’t have to!

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Children of the River by Linda Crew

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nothing to Fear by Jackie French Koller


The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, The View from Saturday, and My Father’s Daughter by E. L. Konigsburg

Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

Those are my top ten school books I absolutely loved! What are some school books you really enjoyed?
Happy reading!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

To see where I’m linking up, check out my Where I Party page.


  1. Children of the River was such a great book! I keep thinking I want to go back and reread it. And A Tree Grows in Brooklyn totally made my TTT list, too! How funny. :) Great list! Here's my TTT.

    1. It really was! I know, I want to go back and reread so many of the books on this list myself. Really?! That's so funny! Thank you!

  2. Both of my kids thought I was nuts when I told them I loved The Scarlet Letter. Hahaha.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Haha so many people tell me that too! It really is good though, people who don't like it are the ones who are nuts!

  3. I love E.L. Konigsburg! I just read one of her more obscure books, (George), about a boy who has a secret twin living inside of him. It was so strange, but her writing is so good, it made me stick with it. Jacob Have I Loved is on my TBR.

    1. Me too! Oh, that sounds so interesting! I haven't read that one, but now it is definitely on my list! It does sound kind of strange, but everything she writes is just so perfect. That's so cool!

  4. I haven't read any of the books in your post... So I have new to me books to explore!

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week: https://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2018/08/top-ten-tuesday-back-to-schoollearning.html

    1. Wow, that's so crazy! But I'm glad I could help you add some new things to your to-read list!
