Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Happy first day of August! I cannot believe August is already here, it feels like summer just started yesterday! And yet, here we are, with less than four weeks before I start my senior year of college. It’s bittersweet really, with this being my last summer before I become a college graduate, but I am also excited for all that is to come. So, I am moving forward with at least a little excitement, because I cannot wait to see all that this month, and the rest of the year, will bring. But for now, let’s just talk about what I’m up to right now! I’m currently…

Following… honestly, I don’t really know how to answer this question. I’m not really an avid participant in social media, so I’m not usually actively following much of anything on any one of the platforms I do actually have an account with. However, as cheesy as this may sound, I am following Christ. So that’s a biggie. I’ve been doing this great devotional from First 5 for a while, and I found a fantastic hymns playlist on Spotify that takes me back to my childhood of growing up in church…so yeah, that’s what I would say. I’m currently following Christ J



Ordering… can you take a guess? The same thing I’m always ordering…books! Although one of the books that just appeared on my bookshelf wasn’t an order at all, but was actually a wonderful gift from my fantastic new author friend, Jen Turano. However, I have ordered some new books as well, although I’m not sure if you can completely call them new books since they are actually used books that I found on Thriftbooks. Either way, they are new to me, and I absolutely cannot wait to devour them. I purchased one novel that I have already read, because I found the second and third books in the series for really cheap awhile back and I want to finally own the entire series, but the other three are brand new to me! I think The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck, The Atonement by Beverly Lewis, The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay, and When the Morning Glory Blooms by Cynthia Ruchti will make the perfect additions to my book collection.



Pinning… well, what am I pinning? That’s a good question; I honestly feel like most of the time I’m on Pinterest I just look at a bunch of things but forget to actually pin anything. So really, I’ve been pinning a whole lot of nothing. I’ve been meaning to get my Pinterest cleaned up a little bit, maybe now is the time to do that. But I do know what I pin a lot of when I do pin things, so I’ll share that instead. If I find any good advice or really great quote or something, I always pin that, but my biggest source of pins, what you can always find me sharing, are funny quotes from Friends or New Girl or other shows and movies I have loved. I really like finding some of my favorite funny moments from shows I’ve watched on Pinterest, because it’s almost like watching that part of the show all over again.

Watching… that’s another great question. What am I watching? I try to make an effort to not watch a lot of TV on a regular basis, and since I took a break from Netflix for most of the summer to keep me from spending my entire break binge-watching things, I haven’t really watched much of anything lately. The Middle seems to ALWAYS be on at my house, so I guess I’ve watched a bit of that recently, and I have been watching both of Tim Allen’s shows (Home Improvement and Last Man Standing) whenever I’ve been bored during the afternoons. And of course the occasional Christmas movie from Hallmark’s “Christmas in July.” But that’s about it.

Counting… not counting down the days until school, that’s for sure! I am counting small things, like how many books I’ve read so far this year, all of the things I need to buy before school starts, how many hours are in a day so that I can see how many things I can get done. Honestly, I’m not really sure what else I have been counting, but I know that I constantly am. There are so many little things in life that we count every day and probably don’t even notice it. Like sometimes when I go up the stairs I count how many steps there are, even though I’ve lived in this house for over 15 years and know that the number of steps hasn’t changed since I first moved here. I’m constantly counting my number of steps, or at least, my Garmin Vivofit is. Also, can I just say how much I love that thing for a minute? I never have to charge it, the product description when I bought it said it had a one-year battery life, and yet it’s been over a year and I still haven’t had to buy a new battery! So I’m really pleased with that, though I love my Garmin for multiple reasons. Anyway, that’s basically what I’m counting at the moment.

Well, that’s what I’m currently up to! What about you? What are you currently doing?
Happy August!

Currently is a monthly linkup hosted by Anne in Residence.

To see where I’m linking up, check out my Where I Party page.


  1. I love ordering a handful of new books! I've recently had to put myself on a book spending freeze until I can catch up with all of the titles sitting on my nightstand. :)

    1. Me too! I completely understand, I have to tell myself not to keep ordering books all the time, otherwise my house would be completely taken over and I won't have read even half of them yet; I just love buying books!

  2. I've been on a bit of a book buying spree myself - it's just impossible to pass up a good deal on a book, isn't it? Thanks for joining in :)

    1. It really is! And there always seems to be so many good deals, just not enough places to put the books when I've bought them. Of course, thank you for hosting!

  3. I love your answer to Who you are following!!! And for counting, I have been tracking my books to because I have a goal to read 50 by the end of the year. :)

    1. Thank you! Oh, I didn't even think about that, I have a goal too! Though mine is 35; over the past couple of years I've found it hard to find time to read so I'm shooting for a somewhat attainable goal and pushing myself to reach it. I hope you meet yours!
