Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Distinctly Remember Reading

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is actually all about my top ten books with sensory reading memories. However, when I’m reading, I’m not really paying much attention to anything going on around me. Even if I’m eating as I read. I just dive straight into the story, and I don’t really notice, much less remember, anything else but that novel. So, I’m giving this topic a little bit of a twist, and talking about novels that I distinctly remember reading. In other words, I can actually remember where I was or what was going on when I read these novels. Which is a pretty big accomplishment for me. Let’s get to these books!

To Have and To Hold

To Have and To Hold is a collection of three love stories that are set in the fall and is a part of the A Year of Weddings collection. The three novellas are written by Betsy St. Amant, Katie Ganshert, and Becky Wade. I remember reading this story while sitting by the lake on one of our weekend trips, I honestly can’t remember much of anything else about that day, I just remember sitting in a bag chair right in front of the lake and reading to my heart’s content.

The Illusionist’s Apprentice by Kristy Cambron

The Illusionist’s Apprentice is the second book in Kristy’s Jazz Age Entertainers series, coming after The Ringmaster’s Wife. I distinctly remember reading this book in my family’s camper while on one of our vacations, I honestly think I read almost the entire thing in one sitting. I don’t remember where we were exactly, I think Myrtle Beach, but I know I definitely remember reading it on the seat around the little table in the camper.

The Captain’s Daughter by Jennifer Delamere

The Captain’s Daughter is the first book in Jennifer’s London Beginnings series, and is another book I remember reading on vacation. A couple of summers ago my whole family—a couple of aunts, uncles, and quite a few cousins included—went on vacation to Cherokee, North Carolina. I remember sitting out in between our camper and my aunt and uncle’s camper, playing games and hanging out, and I know that it was during one of those times that I read this novel.

The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist

The Measure of a Lady is a stand-alone novel, and is—surprise, surprise—another book I remember reading on vacation. Apparently I do a lot of my reading on trips! This book I know I read on a trip to the beach, though I honestly have no idea what beach we were visiting. I just remember sitting with my feet in the sand and this book in my lap.

A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauck

A Royal Christmas Wedding is the fourth book in Rachel’s Royal Weddings series, coming after Once Upon a Prince, Princess Ever After, and How to Catch a Prince. However, this novel had a little bit of a less exciting backdrop, I took it with me to school one day back when I used to commute to college and have long class days with lots of hours of break between classes. I think I was eating lunch some of the time while I read this, but I definitely remember sitting outside at one of the tables that are scattered around, this particular one being underneath a tree.

The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter

The Convenient Groom is the second book in Denise’s Nantucket series, coming after Surrender Bay. This is another vacation novel, and is another one I read on vacation with the whole family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Only this trip was to the beach, and I distinctly remember reading this entire book while sitting in my beach chair on one of our days in the sand.

Bringing Maggie Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Bringing Maggie Home is a stand-alone novel, and is another one I remember reading on vacation. This one I read at the beach as well, but I believe I remember being in Charleston when I read this. So it must have been at one of the beaches there, though I’m not entirely sure where we stayed.

Like Never Before by Melissa Tagg

Like Never Before is the second book in Melissa’s Walker Family series, coming after From the Start. This is another one I read on one of our many weekend trips to the lake, but this one I remember reading even more. Without so much as checking the date I have listed on my Goodreads, I can tell you exactly when I read this: in August on our last weekend trip before my sophomore year of college, at Hamilton Branch state park.

Keep Holding On by Melissa Tagg

Keep Holding On is the third book in Melissa’s Walker Family series, coming after From the Start and Like Never Before. This is my last vacation novel—for this post anyway—and is one I remember reading on one of our weekend camping trips during the school year. I remember it distinctly because I was supposed to be working on homework because I unfortunately had a lot (I was taking Hermeneutics, that alone explains everything) and had to bring it with me.

My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade

My Stubborn Heart is a stand-alone novel, and is another one I remember reading at school. Since I commute, I don’t have a dorm room, and therefore have limited options of places to relax in-between classes. One day I just couldn’t find any place that wasn’t already occupied, so I went down to the basement of one of the buildings where there were a few couches, and sat and read this to keep me busy until it was finally time for my next class.

Well, those are some of the books I actually remember reading, or at least where I was when I was reading them. What about you? What are some of your sensory reading memories?
Happy Tuesday and happy reading!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

To see where I’m linking up, check out my Where I Party page.

To see full reviews of any of these novels, just click on the coral-colored titles.

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