Wednesday, October 7, 2015


                It’s October! Which also means, it’s fall!!! This is one of my favorite times of the year, and today is the perfect day to tell you what I’m currently up to this month!

                I’m currently eating…grits! So much grits! They’re the perfect warm breakfast for these chilly fall mornings, and I just love putting cheese in them and making them cheese grits. They are filling enough that I can make it through my morning classes without my stomach rumbling, but not too big of a breakfast that I can’t handle eating it that early in the morning. And they’re just plain good for this southern girl’s tummy.

                I’m currently exploring…to be honest with you, I’m not sure I am exploring anything at the moment. Although I suppose you could say I’m exploring what college life is like since I’m currently halfway in to my first semester of college.

                I’m currently wearing…these boots! Don’t you just love them?! As soon as the weather cooled enough in the mornings to make wearing boots acceptable, I pulled these out of my closet and started coming up with cute outfits to wear them with. If I’m honest, I would have to say these are my favorite boots out of all my collection.

                I’m currently admiring…the sunshine! I know that sounds silly, but here in South Carolina, everyone is glad to see the sun right now. After days and days of rain, and massive flash flooding, the sun is a beautiful thing in our eyes. And it goes so far to remind us that we are not defeated. There is still hope, and we will come back from this devastation stronger than we’ve ever been before.

                I’m currently collecting…sea shells. No, I’m not at the beach or anything, but I’m always collecting shells. I just love sea shells—and beaches—so I’m always expanding my already extremely large collection. Besides, someday I want to have a beach wedding, so I’ll already have plenty of sea shells for decorations. (And yes, those shells are all sorted by either shape or size).

                That’s what I’m currently up to this month! What about you? What are you doing this month?

                Happy October!

Linking up at Anne in Residence

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