This morning, I find myself at a crossroads. (And I'm sharing this picture of the beach because that is where I do my best thinking. And I just love it). I love this
blog, and I love reviewing books and sharing what I read, but I’m just not sure
if I am going to continue with my blog the way that it currently is. Book
reviews are great, and I love sharing them, and I will always post my reviews
on Goodreads and other bookish sites that I frequent. But do I need a blog only
to share my reviews whenever I happen to finish a book? That seems to be giving
my blog too small of a purpose. What about actually making this blog into
something? That’s also a thought that has crossed my mind a few times. What if
I keep the book focus, but make it into something more? I love the idea of
that, but do I have the time? I feel like there’s always something going on,
between work, school, ministry, relationships, and everything else that
clutters up our lives, and I’m just not sure if I would remain devoted to my
blog or if it would get pushed too far down on my list of priorities.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, this is what I’m
praying about right now. I'm praying about whether or not I should take this blog in a new direction, develop the old one, or just let it go. I’m trying to decide what I think the best thing to do
is, and if I do decide to move forward with this blog, what exactly I feel like
I should write about. And how much of a focus I want to have on books moving
forward. Of course, if I do move forward with the blog, I will continue to post
my reviews here every time I read something. However, I’m not sure if I want to
keep the focus purely on books, or if I want to transition more into a focus on
things that are more life-applicable. Like things God has been teaching me. Or
things I have learned as I’ve gone through my life. Or just advice.
I have a lot to think about, and I’ve actually been thinking
about this for a few weeks now. So, what I think I have decided for now, is to
just give being consistent a try for now. I’m going to continue posting reviews—probably
one book a week for now—and I’m going to get back into Top Ten Tuesday (on the
That Artsy Reader Girl blog), and I think I’ll add one post a week where I just
talk about life. That way, I’ll still keep up with my reviews, I’ll still be
talking about books, but I’ll also be talking about reality. Because I have a
lot to comment on that as well. Oh, and of course, I will still be keeping up
my monthly Must-Have posts. Because I absolutely love talking about new
releases. And that’s how I keep up with what’s coming out in the months to
So, I hope you’ll join me on this journey! I can’t promise
that it will be smooth the first couple of weeks, and there will probably be a
few bumps when I start back to school, but this is the plan for now, and I’m
going to do my best to hold myself to it! Unless I feel like God is calling me
to take a different direction of course. But for now, I’ll still be here! And I’d
love to hear from you, about anything, whether it’s about books or life or what
I’m writing or anything in between!
Happy reading!
To see where I’m linking up, check out my Where I Party